Customer Charging Policy
Last Updated:
February 20, 2025
Unless otherwise agreed byOnFrontiers and Customer in writing, in addition to such fees as may be stated on Customer’s Order Form, Customer shall pay fees and incur Credit charges as follows:
1. Add-OnCredits
1.1 Charges for add-on Credits incurred by Customer which have not been pre-paid will be invoiced to Customer on a monthly basis and payable upon receipt of invoice.
2. Booking and Consultation Fees
2.1 Booking Fees.
(a) A Customer’s first engagement with a particular Expert after having been Matched by an OnFrontiers ResearchManager pursuant to a User’s Expert Request shall be subject to a Booking Fee, as follows:

(b) Booking Fees are deemed incurred at the time that a Customer schedules their first Consultation with a Matched Expert.
(c) Customers that spend at least $25,000 within a twelve-month Order Period will automatically receive access to Premium Plan Features. If the $25,000 spend is achieved after the Order Start Date, Customer will receive Premium Plan Features for the remaining duration of the Order Period.
2.2 Consultation Fees.
(a) Access Plan Customers pay a Consultation Fee when theirUsers engage an Expert from the OnFrontiers Marketplace, as follows:

(b) Consultation Fees are incurred when a Consultation of anyduration takes place. In some cases,Consultation Fees may also be incurred when a Consultation is postponed,canceled, or missed, as described below.
3. Consultation Minimums and Time Increments for Follow-upCall Consultations
3.1 Chargesfor follow-up Call Consultations with an Expert from the OnFrontiersMarketplace are subject to a thirty (30) minute minimum.
3.2 Chargesfor follow-up Call Consultations in excess of the minimum will be rounded up infive (5) minute increments.
3.3 Time charges are based on the elapsedperiod between the Start Time, calculated to be the later of the scheduledstart time of the call or the time the Expert joins the call, until the EndTime, calculated to be the later of when the Customer or Expert terminates thecall or the minimum time applicable in relation to the Start Time. In the caseof calls that disconnect due to technical difficulties rather than intendedtermination by Customer or Expert, time charges will be based on actual call timeelapsed.
4. ConsultationCancellation and Rescheduling; Cancellation Fees
4.1 IfCustomer cancels or reschedules a confirmed call Consultation at leasttwenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled Consultation start time, orcancels a written Consultation no later than twenty-four (24) hours after aMarketplace Expert has confirmed acceptance of such Consultation, then noConsultation Fee is charged for such canceled or rescheduled Consultation.
4.2 IfCustomer cancels or reschedules a call Consultation fewer than twenty-four (24)hours prior to the call Consultation’s scheduled start time, or cancels awritten Consultation more than twenty-four (24) hours after a MarketplaceExpert has confirmed acceptance of such Consultation, the Customer will becharged 75% of the Consultation Fee that was agreed at the time of booking.
4.3 For each Consultation that iscanceled, Customer will be charged a Cancellation Fee of 0.35 Credits to coveradministrative expense. The Cancellation Fee is waived if theConsultation is rescheduled and the act of rescheduling occurs within five (5)business days of the date of cancellation.
5. Customer andExpert No-Shows
5.1 If abooked Consultation has not been canceled in advance of the scheduled StartTime, then in the event the Customer does not join such Consultation withinfifteen (15) minutes of the scheduled Start Time, the Expert shall be permitted to terminatethe Consultation at the fifteen (15) minute mark and Customer will be chargedin full based on the booked duration of the Consultation.
5.2 If theExpert fails to join within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled Start Timeof a Consultation, Customer may cancel such Consultation without penalty.
6. AncillaryServices
6.1 Customerswill pay OnFrontiers a Fee for Ancillary Services as follows:

6.2 Engagement or solicitation of Experts forOff-Platform Services without payment pursuant to the terms of this ChargingPolicy may subject Customer to liability for liquidated damages underOnFrontiers’ Terms of Service.
6.3 In the case of permitted off-Platform engagement, subject to separate written agreement entered into between Customer and OnFrontiers, Customers may elect to pay for such off-Platform engagement using OnFrontiers Credits at Expert’s applicable hourly rate.
7. Definitions Any defined terms used in this Customer Charging Policy but not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the OnFrontiers Terms of Service.