Community Standards

Last Updated:

October 18, 2022

To ensure a consulting environment that prioritizes trust, confidentiality, and security, users of the OnFrontiers Platform agree to adhere to the following Community Standards.


Representation of Expert Credentials

Expert will never disseminate false or misleading information about themself, or inaccurately represent their experience, education, employment history or knowledge to OnFrontiers or any Consumer.  Expert will promptly update OnFrontiers and Consumer of any material change in information provided by Expert, regarding Expert’s credentials.

Professionalism and Timeliness

  1. Experts shall perform all services in a professional, timely, and diligent manner consistent with international industry best practices.
  2. Invitations to perform a Consultation on behalf of a Consumer must be accepted or declined within 24 hours of issuance.
  3. Accepted Consultations shall be scheduled within 5 business days of the invitation and/or may be scheduled by OnFrontiers.

Confidentiality and Non-Public Information

Expert will not improperly disclose any information that is confidential or non-public.

Conflicts of Interest

  1. In accepting and performing Consultations, Expert will comply with all applicable law and professional standards related to conflicts of interest.
  2. Expert agrees not to perform services:
  • Where the subject matter of the Consultation may affect the financial interests of Expert, Expert’s spouse or children, or a person with whom Expert is seeking or has an arrangement for future employment;
  • Where the subject matter of a Consultation involves a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;
  • For a Consumer that is a direct competitor of a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;
  • For a Consumer that Expert knows to be acting on behalf of a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;
  • Of any kind while Expert’s current employer is the subject of a tender offer.
  1. Even where there may be no actual conflict of interest, Experts agree not to perform services where:
  • the Consultation involves facts or circumstances due to which Expert’s impartiality might be called into question;
  • there is a reasonable likelihood of an appearance of conflict of interest.

Contractual Barriers to Consultation

Expert will not provide a Consumer with information where to do so would result in a violation of Expert’s contractual obligations to a third party, such as confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations, or non-competition obligations.

Compliance with the Law

Expert will not provide a Consumer with information, or engage in behavior in relation to a Consultation, where to do so will result in a violation of law, including but not limited to Trade Secret Act (18 USC 1905), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. ), Procurement Integrity Act (41 USC 423), ​​National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181, Sec 847), and 18 U.S. Code 1095 (Disclosure of Confidential Information), as each may be amended or superseded from time to time.


Expert will not solicit or accept gifts from or on behalf of Consumers.

Procurement Information

Expert will not knowingly obtain or disclose:

  1. contractor bid or proposal information; or

(2) source selection information (ie., information not previously available to the public that is prepared for use by a government agency in evaluating a bid or proposal)

before the award of a government contract, other than as permitted by law.

Restrictions on Government Employees and Post-Government Employment

  1. Where Expert is a current or former government employee or contractor, Expert will not offer or provide Consultation where to do so would violate any applicable statutory or contractual restrictions on employment to which Expert may be subject, including without limitation, restrictions on the type of work that Expert may perform, and within what time period.
  2. Expert will at all times comply with the notice requirements relevant to current and post-government employment contained in Expert’s Expert Participation Agreement with OnFrontiers.

Security Clearance

Expert will at all times comply with the restrictions of any applicable security clearances to which Expert may be subject.

Unpermitted Subject Matter

  1. Expert will not provide investment, accounting, legal or medical advice to a Consumer, regardless of Expert’s professional designations or licensing.
  2. Expert will not provide a Consumer with information which constitutes patient information or non-public information related to clinical trials.
  3. If Expert is or was formerly an auditor, Expert will not provide a Consumer with information regarding a business, organization or individual that Expert or Expert’s business audited within three (3) years of the date of the relevant Consumer Consultation.  

Compliance Concerns

Expert will raise any compliance concerns as soon as they occur by emailing

CONSUMERS (including Harness Plan Customers)

Professionalism; Timeliness of Consultation

  1. Consumers shall conduct all interactions with Experts in a professional manner consistent with international industry best practices.
  2. Consumer will request an Expert with the intent of doing a Consultation with a suitable candidate(s) within at most one week of a match.

Confidentiality and Non-Public Information

Consumer will refrain from asking Experts to impermissibly disclose information which is likely to be confidential to Expert’s current employer or third parties, subject to security clearance, or otherwise non-public.

Conflicts of Interest

Consumer will identify all known conflict information upon Expert request to facilitate the screening out of non-compliant providers.

Compliance with the Law

Consumer will not request or accept information from an Expert, or engage in behavior in relation to a Consultation, where to do so will result in a violation of law, including but not limited to Trade Secret Act (18 USC 1905), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. ), Procurement Integrity Act (41 USC 423), ​​National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181, Sec 847), and 18 U.S. Code 1095 (Disclosure of Confidential Information), as each may be amended or superseded from time to time.


Consumer will not directly or indirectly make or offer gifts to an Expert.

Use of Consultation Recordings, Transcriptions, and Work Product

Audio recordings and transcriptions of Consultations, and written Consultation work product, are available for Consumer’s internal use only and may not be published or shared outside of Consumer’s organization without the Expert’s express written consent.

Sharing of User Credentials and Consultation Invitations

1. Consumer will permit each User License to be used by a single Authorized User. Sharing of platform credentials (“seat sharing”) is not permitted.

2. Consumer will share invitation links and dial-in details for Call Consultations only within Consumer’s own organization.  If Consumer wishes to invite a third party to join in a Consultation, that third party must be covered by a separate Customer Agreement with OnFrontiers.  Consumer will announce all parties to the Expert at the start of the Consultation.

Platform for Professional Use Only

The Platform may be used only to conduct searches and receive Consultations relevant to Consumers’ own professional activities and shall not be used in connection with the work of departments or teams in which Consumer is not a direct participant or for Consumer’s personal purposes.

Compliance Concerns

  1. If Consumer believes that Consumer may have received confidential information of another party, Consumer will immediately notify OnFrontiers by emailing
  2. Consumer will raise any compliance concerns as soon as they occur by emailing